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American Airlines Air Sonar

American Airlines Air Sonar

Dont you wonder about the dest

  • 类型:旅游
  • 评分:4.87
  • 年龄要求:4+
  • 是否收费:免费
  • 语言: "EN"
  • 星级:
  • 上传者:fikret urgan
  • 更新时间:2024-02-15 20:55:57

Don't you wonder about the destination, model or speed of the American Airlines plane you see? The only thing you should do is to download American Airlines Air Sonar application and get all the pleasure you can. Feel like an American Airlines pilot. Turn your smartphone into a handheld radar for all American Airlines flights. You can search and watch all the American Airlines planes flying all over the world and get ready to be surprised when you see all the information of all the flights.

Here are some of the features of American Airlines Flight Sonar application

\t- You can monitor all American Airlines flights around the world.

\t- You can know the model, route, speed, altitude of American Airlines planes and the departure and arrival airports.

\t- You can also monitor all American Airlines flights, estimated take off and landing times, learn the weather forecast at the airports and get all the information without going to the airports as well.

\t- You can make a detailed search and easily access and monitor the information of the American Airlines's plane you like in real time.

This application is for entertainment purposes only. Our company is not responsible for any shortcomings that may occur due to the use of this application.

- Fixed bugs
- Graphics fixed
- New airports added

相关TAG: 导航 旅游


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