
当前位置: 轩晨网美食佳饮


A great meal is all about gett

  • 类型:美食佳饮
  • 评分:0.00
  • 年龄要求:4+
  • 是否收费:免费
  • 语言: "EN"
  • 星级:
  • 更新时间:2024-02-09 12:59:01

A great meal is all about getting the food you want from the restaurants you love, whenever, wherever, however you want it. Get your favorite food delivered to you fast.

Order and browse food and drinks from local restaurants with hundreds of menu options to cater for your specific needs, may it be pizza, burgers, African dishes or that late night drink with friends. Food Freedom is the freedom to have all this delivered to your door in a matter of minutes, it only takes a few taps.

Key features include:

- Search restaurants by location or name

- Browse by cuisines you like

- Browse by the fastest delivery time

- View restaurant menus and dish details

- Place orders for now, later or tomorrow

- Pay directly via cash or Mpesa

- Track the progress of your order in real-time

- Add and store multiple payment methods

We makes sure that whatever you are craving is put in one place for your absolute enjoyment.

Download the app today.

Munchiz goal is to deliver all your essentials in minutes and with Love! As we strive to achieve this here are the following improvements and new features!

1. Introduction of New Local Food Category for Kienyeji food lovers.
2. Improv

相关TAG: 美食佳饮 购物


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