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All You Can Eat: He Wont Stop Eating

All You Can Eat: He Wont Stop Eating

Youre the HUNGRIEST Frog there

  • 类型:动作
  • 评分:0.00
  • 年龄要求:9+
  • 是否收费:免费
  • 语言: "EN"
  • 星级:
  • 上传者:Scope Creep Studios LLC
  • 更新时间:2024-02-07 16:59:37

You're the HUNGRIEST Frog there ever was at an All You Can Eat buffet. See how many courses and servings you can get through while the Chef watches on in horror as his business is destroyed!

But avoid the frog legs, that might be your cousin!

Swipe left and right to move as the Food rockets towards the Frog.

This app has been updated by Apple to display the Apple?Watch app icon.

UTENSIL SWITCHING IS GONE! No more switching utensils to eat types of food. Just go to town with what you have on what's coming your way.

ARCADE MODE! Keep the feasting goi

相关TAG: 动作 游戏 益智解谜


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