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AutoBuddy-Vehicle Fuel Consumption Cost Calculator

AutoBuddy-Vehicle Fuel Consumption Cost Calculator

Designed for every driver, Aut

  • 类型:财务
  • 评分:0.00
  • 年龄要求:4+
  • 是否收费:免费
  • 语言: "EN", "DE"
  • 星级:
  • 上传者:Imperium Apps GmbH
  • 更新时间:2024-03-17 12:45:13

Designed for every driver, AutoBuddy tracks your car fuel consumption, MPG and mileage. The application becomes your personal coach that helps you improve fuel-efficient driving, cut fuel expenses and reduce the impact on the ecology.

*Track Your Fuel Expenses

Know your real cost per km or mile and how much you spend on fuel daily, monthly or lifetime.

*Actual Fuel Consumption

AutoBuddy shows the actual fuel consumption, MPG and mileage for city road and motorway.

*Ease to Use

Enter fill-up details with just a few taps only.

*Detailed Reports

Keep track of the evolution of several parameters in different ways (overview, graphs or lists):

- gas consumption

- gas price

- mileage per month

- cost of gas per mile/kilometer

- mileage per gallon/liter

- mileage per euro/dollar/etc.

AutoBuddy is the best fuel and mileage tracker on the App Store and more is coming in the future.

This app has been updated by Apple to display the Apple?Watch app icon.

Minor enhancements and fixes.

相关TAG: 工具 财务


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