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Hospitality Calculators

Hospitality Calculators

*New Update Version 1.4*A coll

  • 类型:财务
  • 评分:0.00
  • 年龄要求:4+
  • 是否收费:免费
  • 语言: "EN"
  • 星级:
  • 上传者:Daniel Williamson
  • 更新时间:2024-02-23 19:21:49

*New Update Version 1.4*

A collection of tools for hospitality, food and beverage professionals.

Hospitality Calculators is the most comprehensive tool used by people who work in the hospitality sector. With its sleek and easy to use interface it enables the user to work out highly critical Gross Profit calculations as well as others on the go.

Features include:

? Food GP Calculator

? Several Beverage GP Calculators

? VAT Calculator

? Discount Calculator

? Basic Bar Measurements Page

? The ability to switch measurement systems

? Support for multiple currency's

Other features include the ability to reverse calculate GP, for instance after the price of item and VAT is entered, the required GP can be entered to show what price the item(s) should be sold at, or the selling price of the item(s) can be entered first then showing what GP percentage will be gained.

Future planned updates include:

? Saving and loading of calculations

This app has been updated by Apple to display the Apple?Watch app icon.

Added 8 units per case for pre-packaged bottles.

相关TAG: 美食佳饮 财务


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