
当前位置: 轩晨网图形与设计


This icon app is designed for

  • 类型:图形与设计
  • 评分:0.00
  • 年龄要求:4+
  • 是否收费:¥38.00
  • 语言: "EN", "DE"
  • 星级:
  • 上传者:Vitalij Schaefer
  • 更新时间:2024-03-11 20:18:07

This icon app is designed for developers of iOS and OS X apps.

It automatically creates all the app icons necessary to use for iOS 6, iOS 7, and Mac OS X from a single image (1024 x 1024 pixels or larger)!

Generate icons with rounded corners in addition to square icons —?whichever way you like.

Note: Use the icons with rounded corners only to promote your iOS app, but not directly in the app’s resource bundle. The operating system will automatically round the corners to display the app icon. You should also upload the square icon for use on the App Store.

You can select the folder to save the resulting icons and use them directly in Xcode and iTunes Connect.

The following files are generated.

For iOS:

iTunesArtwork@ (1024 x 1024 Pixel)

(512 x 512 Pixel)

Icon-60@ (120 x 120 Pixel)

(76 x 76 Pixel)

Icon-76@ (152 x 152 Pixel)

(40 x 40 Pixel)

Icon-Small-40@ (80 x 80 Pixel)

(29 x 29 Pixel)

Icon-Small@ (58 x 58 Pixel)

(57 x 57 Pixel)

Icon@ (114 x 114 Pixel)

(72 x 72 Pixel)

Icon-72@ (144 x 144 Pixel)

(50 x 50 Pixel)

Icon-Small-50@ (100 x 100 Pixel)

For OS X:

icon_512x512@ (1024 x 1024 Pixel)

icon_ (512 x 512 Pixel)

icon_256x256@ (512 x 512 Pixel)

icon_ (256 x 256 Pixel)

icon_128x128@ (256 x 256 Pixel)

icon_ (128 x 128 Pixel)

icon_32x32@ (64 x 64 Pixel)

icon_ (32 x 32 Pixel)

icon_16x16@ (32 x 32 Pixel)

icon_ (16 x 16 Pixel)

Bug fixes and improvements

相关TAG: 图形与设计 工具


CopyRight 2019 https://img.ncxcjy.com All Rights Reserved 滇ICP备2023012438号 Sitemap
